London, Paris, Vienna, Prague, Bratislava, Kosice, Budapest
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A few words
about us
At Apsley Business School- London, students are able to pursue qualifications through exclusively classroom based learning on either of our two central London Campuses, or online, or through a combination of both (Blended Learning). The choice is agreed with the student during an initial personalised study plan on admission. The assessment methods are the same in each case, and the final diploma and academic transcript does not discriminate between the different modes of learning.
Drawing on over 18 years of consultancy and training experience, our team of experienced and qualified lecturers at ABS is able to plan and deliver bespoke accredited training in the workplace, online or at one of our satellite campuses across London or overseas at our partner campuses.
Experience shows that professionals prefer the blended delivery mode for their training outcomes and content: This mixture of online and classroom delivery makes best use of your limited time, and helps you achieve your learning goals efficiently. Our online virtual learning environment gives you access to course materials, videos, assessment tools and live chat-rooms and forums with your peers.

Apsley Online
02 - We in the world
Full details of the Academic Timetable and where you will study will be published on the online portal
Austria, Slovakia
- British Slovak Business Centre
admission.support@apsley.university - Mostová 6
- 811 02 Bratislava
- Vienna-Bratislava Twin Cities Office
admission.support@apsley.university - Klemensova 17
- 811 09 Bratislava
- DTI University
- Website
- Sládkovičova 533/20, 018 41
Dubnica nad Váhom
- Collegium Humanum,
Warsaw Management University
Students enrolled on Warsaw Management University- Collegium Humanum programmes may be eligible to take courses in Warsaw at their main campus. - Moniuszki 1A, 00-014 Warsaw, Poland
- Warsaw
- Website
Australia & New Zealand
- Mario Milanovic
mario.milanovic@apsley.university - Office for Trade
- Banja Luka
- Suzanna Rajna
admission.support@apsley.university - Môricz Zsigmond körtér
- Budapest, XI ker. 1117
- +3630 4530665
Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Mario Milanovic
mario.milanovic@apsley.university - Office for Trade
- Banja Luka
Slovenská marketingová asociácia
- Slovak Marketing Association
study@apsley.university - +421 0911 242 307
- Website
- Eurovea, Pribinova 30, 811 09, Bratislava
- Slovak Republic
International Police Organisation
- Iliya Zivotic MSc (MP)
president@interpolice.org - +381 64 9666777
- HQ Pere Todorovica 34 Belgrade, Serbia
- International Coordination Headquarters Str. Ferrante Aporti, 28, 20125, Milan, Italy