These Terms and Conditions of enrollment can be issued to the candidate in a paper form, or other barrier free presentation; and on request may v=be signed by both parties as a Student Contract.

1.    Introduction

1.1                 When you accept an offer of admission from Apsley Business School (the “Institution”) and you satisfy any conditions which the Institution may have attached to the offer, a contractual relationship is established between you and the Institution (“Us”). It is important that you understand this Contract because it identifies the terms that govern the contractual relationship between us. You will be asked to accept this Contract once the Institution has confirmed that all the conditions required for you to enroll at the Institution have been satisfied.

1.2                 Before accepting an offer of admission, and before you enroll, you must read this Contract in full and raise any questions with the Institution if there is any part of it that you do not understand, using the address/ email address below.


Third Floor Apsley House


SW15 2SH

1.3                 This Contract is reviewed and updated annually. You are therefore required to read and accept its terms and conditions each year when you enroll.

2.               Rules and regulations

2.1                 You agree as part of the Contract to abide by the Institution’s rules, regulations, policies, procedures and codes (herein collectively referred to as rules and regulations in this Contract) that are in force at any given time. (These rules and regulations are reviewed periodically and may change from time to time). They include, in particular, rules and regulations relating to academic study; learning and assessment; conduct and discipline; fitness to study; use of services and facilities; payment of fees and expenses; health and safety; and intellectual property. Such rules and regulations are available on the website and inside the Online Learning Portal

2.2  You should read these rules and regulations carefully as breach of them may lead to the imposition of sanctions by the Institution, including your expulsion from the Institution.

2.3 If you are registered on a programme of study that leads to a professional qualification such as teaching, nursing or counselling psychology, you may also be subject to the Fitness to Practise policy and procedure. Such regulations are drafted in keeping with guidance issued by the professional body relevant to your programme of study (“Programme”). You will need to continue to satisfy the relevant fitness to practise requirements in order to continue to be registered on any such Programme. Programmes with fitness to practise requirements have materials which detail the standards expected and provide other important information such as the procedures for appealing against a fitness to practise determination made by the Institution.

2.3 The Institution will abide by its own rules and regulations. The Institution reserves the right to add to, delete and/or make reasonable changes to them at any time where in the opinion of the Institution this will assist in the proper delivery of education and/or it is in the interests of students. Changes are usually made for one or more of the following reasons:

 to review and update the rules and regulations to ensure that they are fit for purpose;

–            to safeguard academic standards, for example, in response to external examiner feedback;

–            to reflect changes in the external environment, including legal or regulatory changes, changes, changes to funding or financial arrangements or changes to government policy,requirements or guidance;

–            to incorporate sector guidance or best practice;

–            to incorporate feedback from students; and/or

–            to aid clarity or consistency of approach.

2.4                 Where the Institution makes changes to its rules and regulations, it will make reasonable efforts to bring them to your attention before they take effect. The updated rules and regulations will be made available on the Institution’s learning portal

2.5                 Changes will normally come into effect at the beginning of the next academic year. The Institution reserves the right to introduce changes during the academic year when it reasonably considers it to be in the interests of students or it is required by law or in other exceptional circumstances. The Institution will take all reasonable steps to minimise disruption to students wherever reasonably possible, for example, by giving reasonable notice of changes before they take effect, or by phasing in the changes, if appropriate.

3.               Registration at the Institution

3.1                 Before registering at the Institution, you shall:

a.        comply with any conditions set out in the Institution’s offer of admission;

b.        inform the Institution of any criminal convictions in the circumstances set out in the Admissions Policy;

c.        where necessary, obtain the correct visa giving the entitlement to enter and remain in the UK for the purpose of study in accordance with the UK Immigration Rules.

d. Ensure you understand that you are responsible for ensuring that the content and accreditation of the programme into which you have enrolled is appropriate for your needs, and is accepted in the region(s) you wish to operate, as this cannot be redressed at a later stage. This is because we offer a range of programmes, accredited, recognised or endorsed variously solely or jointly with collaborative partners, and they vary in content, delivery, scope and accreditation, and it is the student’s responsibility for ensuring that they are on the programme appropriate to their requirements.

3.2                 The Institution may terminate your registration or temporarily suspend your registration pending further investigation if at any time:

a.        it is discovered that you acted dishonestly, made false statements and/or omitted significant information in your application to the Institution;

b.        it is decided by the Institution that any criminal convictions you may have are incompatible with study at the Institution;

c.        it is the outcome of an investigation under the Student Disciplinary Regulations following an allegation that you have breached the Student Code of Conduct;

d.        it is the outcome of a Fitness to Study procedure that you can no longer study at the Institution;

e.        you are unable to prove that you currently have the entitlement to enter and remain in the UK for the purpose of study in accordance with the UK Immigration Rules;

f.          it is decided in accordance with a Fitness to Practise Procedure (for students registered on Programmes leading to a professional qualification) that you are not fit to proceed on Programme; or

g.        for any other reason specified in its rules and regulations.

3.3                 On registration, you will automatically become a member of Apsley Business School Alumni (“ABSU”). The Institution will share relevant information with ABSU in accordance with its Student Data Privacy Notice. Membership will allow you access to events, societies, advice and representation throughout your time as a student at the Institution. It is your right to opt out of membership of the ABSU in accordance with section 22 Education Act 1994 at any time whilst you are a member of the Institution. 

3.4 Apsley Business School also endorses, nostrifies and supports student exchange programmes with partner institutions. In such cases, you will be registered at the partner institution and will not automatically receive an Apsley Business School student registration number, and will not be eligible for sponsorship by the Institution for visa and immigration purposes. Only students with the Institution’s student registration number can be considered regular students at the Institution and are subject to the Institution’s regulations and policies. You may however still apply to join as a member of the Apsley Business School  Alumni (“ABSU”), and with permission attend Convocation and similar events as a delegate.

4.               Fees

4.1                 You agree as part of this Contract to pay, or make acceptable arrangements to pay, to the Institution all deposits, fees, charges and expenses when these fall due. The Institution will provide information on deposits, fees, charges and expenses and will inform you of the date by which these shall be paid. The fees are collected as a walk-in sale not distance selling), and with online provision, these are considered download and streaming services under the Consumer Rights Act 2015. This means that once fees are received there will be no refund.

4.2                 Failure to pay fees and charges (collectively referred to as fees and charges in this Contract) when due may lead to the imposition of sanctions by the Institution, including suspension from access to Institution facilities or termination of your registration with the Institution.

5.               Accommodation

5.1                 You will be responsible for making your own arrangements for accommodation and insurance of your personal belongings for the duration of your studies. Any use by you of Institution accommodation or any arrangements for off campus accommodation made by the Institution on your behalf will be subject to separate agreements.

6.               International students

6.1                 You are responsible for obtaining your visa or other valid permission to enter and study in the UK and for complying with its conditions. If you do not secure valid immigration permission for study, you will not be able to start your programme. If your permission expires during your programme and you no longer have valid leave to remain in the UK, or if you breach the terms of your visa, the Institution may be required to inform UK Visas and Immigration and may require you to leave your programme.

6.2                 If the Institution is sponsoring your student visa it will inform you separately of your obligations towards the Institution in relation to your visa, including attendance requirements. It is your responsibility to check that all the details on your Certificate of Acceptance for Studies (“CAS”) issued by the Institution are correct and up to date before making your student visa application. The Institution will issue your CAS once you have met all of the conditions of your offer and your admission has been confirmed.

7.               Students with Disabilities

7.1                 If you have a disability you are encouraged to disclose this early so that support and/or access requirements can be considered in an effective and timely manner. Normally all admissions decisions are made on the basis of academic suitability. However, for some professional Programmes, admissions decisions will also involve consideration of the professional competency requirements of the Programme. Such decisions will be made in accordance with the Admissions Policy

7.2                 The Institution will make reasonable adjustments to its provision of education to ensure that applicants and students are not disadvantaged. The Institution takes reasonable and

proportionate steps to ensure that adjustments are planned, provided in advance and in anticipation of disabled people requiring support. Occasionally, however, cases may arise where it would not be reasonable for the Institution to make adjustments for a particular applicant or student. In such circumstances, the Institution may not be able to offer you a place or may need to terminate the Contract. Such decisions will be made in accordance with the Admissions Policy. You will be informed of the decision and the reasons for it.

8.               Academic study

8.1                 You agree as part of this Contract to:

a.        participate fully in your programme. Such participation includes attending and taking part in classes and activities, and undertaking assessment within set deadlines;

b.        notify the Institution and provide reasons if you are unable to attend or submit assessment, in accordance with the Mitigating Circumstances Policy:

c.        not seek to obtain, or assist another student in obtaining, an unfair advantage over other students in relation to their programme of study, in accordance with the Student Disciplinary Regulations and similar guidance;

d.        submit your work to the Turnitin UK to assist you in your learning but to also act as a plagiarism detective service when required to do so by the Institution. You authorise the Institution and third parties authorised by the Institution to make and to retain copies of such work in order to assess it for originality and to compare it at a later date with future submissions.

e.        The Institution will use lecture capture technology to record educational activities such as lectures. The recordings may be made available to students and staff of the Institution for non-commercial or commercial teaching purposes. Notice of recordings will be provided before the commencement of a lecture. You have the right to opt out of appearing in any recordings.

f.          You must not share the contents of the recordings of captured lectures or any materials provided or generated by the Institution for the purposes of your programme with any third party. Students are permitted to use captured lectures or materials provided or generated by the Institution for the purpose of their own personal study only.

9.               Disclaimers

9.1                 The Institution will do all that it reasonably can to provide you with the educational services and other services and facilities as described in the material information on the Institution’s website or other documents issued by it to applicants and appropriately enrolled students.

9.2                 Despite taking all reasonable steps to prevent them occurring, circumstances beyond the control of the Institution which could not have been prevented even if the Institution had taken reasonable care (“Events Outside of Our Control”) may mean that it cannot provide such educational and other services and facilities as described. Examples of Events Outside of Our Control include (but are not limited to):

–               the unexpected absence or departure of key members of Institution staff or specialist staff;

–               terrorism, war or national emergencies;

–               pandemics, epidemics and other threats to public health;

–               fire or flood;

–               severe weather conditions;

–               natural disasters;

–               political or civil unrest;

–               power failure;

–               damage, interruption or lack of access to buildings, facilities or equipment;

–               the acts of any governmental or local authority;

–               industrial action by the Institution’s staff or third parties;

–               the acts or delays of any governmental or local authority;

–               legal or regulatory changes, including changes to government guidance;

–               withdrawal by any government or local authority of any necessary licence; and/or

–               where the numbers recruited to a programme are so low that it is not possible to deliver an appropriate quality of education for students registered on it.

9.3                 Where Events Outside of Our Control occur, the Institution will notify you that the events have occurred and will take all reasonable steps to minimise the resulting disruption to affected students, by, for example:

–               offering affected students the chance to move to another programme where reasonably possible;

–               deferring the start date for the programme;

–               delivering the programme in a different way, from another location or online, or at another time;

–               delivering a modified version of the same programme;

–               assisting students to transfer to complete the programme at another institution; and/ or

–               delivering other services and facilities in a different way, from a different location or online.

9.4                 If you are not satisfied with any such steps to mitigate the disruption caused by Events Outside of Our Control, you may terminate your Contract with the Institution.

9.5                 Where, as a result of Events Outside of Our Control, it is necessary to close or discontinue  or cease to deliver a programme, the Institution will follow its Student Protection Plan.

9.6                 Where Events Outside of Our Control occur and the Institution is unable to take steps to minimise the resultant disruption to students then neither the Institution nor the applicant/student however will be liable to the other for breach of this Contract, or for continued compliance with the Contract including the provision of further tuition or services, payment of further fees, making refunds of fees paid or other loss or damage of any kind.

9.7                 The Institution will use all reasonable endeavours to deliver teaching and related educational and other services and facilities required for your chosen programme of study in accordance with the descriptions applied to it for the academic year in which you begin the programme. However, the Institution will be entitled to make reasonable changes to the programme or to related educational and other services and facilities where that will enable the Institution to deliver a better quality of educational experience to students enrolled on the programme.

9.8                 Changes may therefore be made to:

a.         the content  and syllabus of programmes, including in relation  to placements/ fieldtrips/ fieldwork/ research travel;

b.         the timetable, location and number of classes;

c.          the structure and/or timing of the academic year;

d.         the method of delivery of programmes of study, services and facilities; and/ or

e.        the examination and assessment method.

Changes may be made either before or after your admission but in all cases the Institution will take the reasonable expectation of its students who are admitted to or engaged on any affected programme into account and will have due regard to the quality of the student experience. The Institution will provide adequate notice of any proposed changes and take all reasonable steps to minimise disruption.

9.9                 Students affected by substantial and/or material changes who are not satisfied with those changes will be offered the opportunity to withdraw from the affected programme and reasonable support to transfer to another programme at the Institution or to another institution. Further guidance can be found in the Student Protection Plan.

9.11            The Institution does not accept responsibility and expressly excludes liability to the fullest extent possible under the general law for loss or damage to students’ property or for infection of students’ equipment caused by computer viruses, and for the consequences of any such damage.

9.12 The Institution does not accept responsibility and expressly excludes liability to the fullest extent possible under the general law for loss or damage arising from the student not taking responsibility to ensure that the content and accreditation of the programme into which you have enrolled is appropriate for your needs, and is accepted in the region(s) you wish to operate,

10.            Communications

10.1            The Institution may provide you on request with a Apsley e-mail account for the duration of your studies and will use this when communicating with you by e-mail.

10.2            You will:

a.        be expected to use your Apsley account when contacting Institution staff by e- mail, so that Institution staff can be reasonably sure of your identity;

b.        use the Apsley Online Learning portal to submit assignments;

c.        inform the Institution promptly via the Student Portal about any changes to your personal details, including postal address, telephone number and contact details.

d.        Should you opt to communicate via a social media account, or text message, this must be agreed in advance with your academic supervisor, and you must take steps to ensure both parties are confident of your identity online

e.        Adhere to the highest standards of personal behaviour and online conduct at all times

11.            Personal Data collection, publication and sharing

11.1            By entering into this Contract you understand that the Institution and its partners or agents will process your personal data in order for the Institution to meets its obligations to deliver education services to you

11.2            The Institution needs to collect, hold and process your personal data for the purposes of administering and managing your programme and all other services provided to you. Personal data includes but not limited to your student records, application data, assessment marks, residence data, attendance data, accessing learning materials (including Moodle our virtual learning environment, and other systems) and financial data.

11.3            At enrolment, you will be asked to consent to the Institution processing your special category personal data. Provision of this information is optional. This data will be used as outlined in the  Student Data Privacy Notice.

11.4            The Institution recognises the importance of the protection of personal data and will process your personal data in accordance with relevant data protection legislation, the Institution’s Data Protection Policy and the Student Data Privacy Notice. You can raise any queries relating to the processing of your personal data with the Institution’s Data Protection Officer within the Institution Secretariat via the address/email address below.

The Data Protection Officer

Third Floor Apsley House

London, SW15 2SH

Information relating to your studies, including your student ID and results, may be published on the Institution’s Student Portal and virtual learning environment (Moodle). The email address that you enter when you enroll may be displayed within the Student Portal and other related systems (e.g.: The Apsley Learning Portal) and may be viewable by other students on your module  or programme. Please consider this when choosing and entering your email address when  enrolling.

11.5             When you have left the Institution your details will be passed to the Alumni Office. Your data will be processed by the Alumni Office in accordance with the Institution’s Alumni Privacy Notice.

12.              Attendance and Academic Regulations

12.1            You are expected to manage your own learning which includes attendance in scheduled teaching and spending sufficient time undertaking private study. You are expected to undertake assessment within set deadlines. Students who fail to attend classes or make satisfactory progression may have their registration with the Institution terminated in accordance with the Academic Regulations.

13.            If things go wrong

13.1            Complaints about the Institution are made through the Student Complaints Procedure: This procedure has been devised to help to resolve any student complaints as promptly, fairly and amicably as possible.

13.2            If you remain dissatisfied after following the Student Complaints Procedure to completion, you have the right to ask for mediation with a third party nominated by the Institution, at the Institution’s cost

13.3            The Institution may take action against you under the Student Disciplinary Regulations, Fitness to Practise and Fitness to Study Policy, if you do not act in accordance with the terms set out in this Contract, or with any of the Institution’s rules and regulations in force at any given time. You agree that all relevant staff will be advised of the outcome. One of the possible outcomes of disciplinary action is that your registration at the Institution may be terminated.

14.            Notices

14.1            Any notice to be given to the Institution by you under or in connection with this Contract shall be deemed to have been properly served if sent by first class post or e-mail to the Academic Director at the following address.

Academic Committee Chair

Third Floor Apsley House


SW15 2SH

14.2            Any notice to be given to you under or in connection with this Contract shall be deemed to have been properly served if:

a.        sent by first class post to the last address you provided to the Institution; or

b.        sent to your Apsley e-mail account

15.            General

15.1            This Contract is only enforceable by you and the Institution. No other person shall have any rights in connection with this Contract.

15.2            If any part of this Contract becomes illegal or invalid, the parts of the Contract which are not illegal or invalid shall remain in force.

15.3            Failure of either you or the Institution to enforce any part of this Contract shall not be construed as a waiver of a right to enforce that part of the Contract and shall not affect the right later to enforce any part of this Contract.

15.4            All representations, warranties, terms and commitments not expressly set out in this Contract (whether implied by law, conduct, statute or otherwise) are excluded to the maximum extent permissible at law.

15.5            This Contract is governed and construed in accordance with the Law of England and Wales. By agreeing to its terms and conditions you submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for the resolution of any disputes which may arise out of or in connection with this contract or your studies.

Apsley Business School Academic Registrar

April 2022

Confirmed at the Academic Committee on and have been approved by collaborative partners

First drafted 08.2018 Updated Annually. Last Update 09.2024