Prof. Ali Kamran is an established academician with the professional experience spread over two decades. He has contributed to universities, colleges, schools, institutes, think tanks and nonprofit organisations in capacity of Academic Director, Director Training and Development,
Lecturer, Assistant Professor and Program Manager. With a diversified educational background in Social and Management Sciences Prof. Kamran holds Doctoral Level 8 Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership form UK, M.Phil. in Anthropology, M.Sc. in Sociology and MBA from Pakistan , his PhD in Anthropology and Sociology is in progress from National University of Malaysia. Having an overall excellent academic record he secured Chancellors’ Medal in his MPhil programme from Pakistan’s top ranking, Quaid-i-Azam University. Prof. Kamran has training,
academic and research interests in higher education, academic administration, corporate social responsibility (CSR), organisational culture (OC), Organisational change, social institutions, human geography and geopolitical transformations. As a master trainer he has conducted series
of trainings for various international organisations.
Senior Lecturer